Prices fluctuate from year to year.
——《现代英汉综合大词典》From year to year this soul had dried away slowly, but with fatal sureness.
年复一年,这个人的心慢慢地 、 但是无可挽救地越变越硬了.
互联网The repeatedly - produced new varieties of our factory give you new pleasant surprises from year to year.
互联网Although the styles may change from year to year, jeans go completely out of fashion.
尽管其款式在逐年变化, 牛仔裤却永远也不过时.
互联网Since the world price of sugar fluctuates widely, the transfer varies from year to year.
由于国际糖价大起大落, (收入)转移额逐年变化.
辞典例句The quantity of precipitation varies greatly from year to year in these regions.
辞典例句If the meteoroids are bunched together, the number of meteors seen varies from year to year.
如果流星体聚集在一起, 则每年看到的流星数都不一样.
辞典例句From year to year the child grew, and so did her wretchedness.
年复一年,孩子长大了, 她的苦难也增加了.
互联网This debt has been carried forward from year to year; when will it be paid?
这笔欠帐已年复一年地结转下来; 啥时才能清帐?
互联网Normally, farmers grow different crops in a field from year to year.
通常在一块田地上, 农民们每年会种植不同的农作物.
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